I Am: The Seven "I Am" Statements of Jesus

This series was preached in 2024 to reconnect us to the authority of Jesus as Lord.

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I Am: From The Bush, Ex. 3, 2-25-24

I Am: The Bread Of Life, John 6:35-40, 3-3-24

I Am: The Light Of The World, John 8:12-20, 3-10-24

I Am: The Gate, John 10:7-10, 3-17-24

I Am: The Good Shepherd, John 10:11-18, 3-24-24

I Am: The Resurrection, John 11:17-27, 3-31-24

I Am: The Way, The Truth, The Life, John 14:1-7, 4-7-24

I Am: The True Vine, John 15:1-11, 4-14-24